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Welcome to 
Braeburn Theatres

By Terry Childs, Founding Member & Group Chairman

From Braeburn's beginning back in 1979, we have always had a "thing" about the performing arts. What better activity could there be to build a child's confidence than to perform in front of their peers, parents or even the world, on a proper stage in a proper setting?

The learned ability to project speech, learn lines and movements, to work as a team to create something from nothing is an invaluable part of a childs education. From the five year old playing a grade one piano piece in front of their parents (more nervous than the performer), to the same child 12 years later, now a young adult, taking a bow after a masterful performance of a series of Scarlatti Sonatas. Wow!

Wherever it could, Braeburn has tried to provide that proper stage and that proper setting for our children (and others) to perform. Over our history we have built many performance centres in our schools. These have ranged from proscenium theatres with fly towers, computerised lighting, and effects, to smaller studio theatres and amphitheatres to suit different genres.

We feel these theatres belong to the wider community; audiences, actors, impresarios who need a venue for their latest creation- the list goes on. Our children come first, but all who want to watch, perform, create, and entertain are welcome.

Airplane Above the Clouds

Upcoming Events

Image by Kyle Head
Experience the Magic of Live Theatre

Truly Top-Notch!

We have 8 state-of-the-art theatres across Kenya and Tanzania, our smallest theatre has a holding capacity of 80 seats and our largest theatre with a capacity of 500 seats.

Our theatres are available for third party hire at the discretion of Braeburn Management. For more information, contact;

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Braeburn Theatres

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